Foundational Practices for Hips: A 3-Part Series – Part 3

Many students have come to me to ask for help with an increasing pain in their gluteus muscles, the muscles at the back of your hip, your buttocks. There can be several different things happening to cause this pain in the back end and if you are experiencing sharp and stabbing pain please visit your doctor to assess the cause. In this article I will address the overuse of the piriformis and other smaller, shorter muscles embedded behind the gluteus muscles. This overuse is often a result of the under-use of the larger, stronger muscles of the gluteus (gluteus maximus, gluteus medius, gluteus minimus).

Foundational Practices for Hips: A 3-Part Series – Part 2

Getting to the Core With your growing awareness of what conscious foot placement feels like (see Part 1), let’s work on another important stabilizing part of the body: the core. There are many muscles and joints that are involved in what we call “the core.” As the picture below illustrates, your core is made up… Continue reading Foundational Practices for Hips: A 3-Part Series – Part 2

Foundational Practices for Hip Stability: A 3-Part Series – Part 1

Let’s talk foot placement We all stand a little, or sometimes a lot, differently. Some of us stand with one foot slightly turned out, or in. Some stand with both feet turned out, or in. You might stand with more weight on your right foot while someone else may stand with more weight on their… Continue reading Foundational Practices for Hip Stability: A 3-Part Series – Part 1